Excitement (Issue Two)
Hello again.
Right, As I usually do, I was browsing through the pages of GameSpot and I came across this in the PSP section;

(Click to Enlarge)
Now, as I stated before I am a huge War Fan... Obviously I'm gonna get excited... then I read this;
'Today, though, Digital Illusions CE announced it is bringing one of the most successful shooter franchises of all time to Sony's portable platform. Battlefield 2: Modern Combat, the first console version of its wildly popular Battlefield series, will be released on the PSP in the first quarter of 2006. It will ship alongside the Xbox 360 version of the game, which will first arrive on the Xbox and PlayStation 2 in fall of 2005. The PC version of the game, simply called Battlefield 2, will ship in June.'
' Battlefield 2 - PC - June 2005
BF2 Modern Combat - PS2, Xbox - Fall 2005
Untitled FPS - PC - Fall 2005
BF2 Modern Combat - Xbox 360, PSP - Q1 2006
Untitled - PS2, Xbox, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 - 2006'
Now then the release date clearly states, the First quarter of 2006... Its November now, and the Xbox360 version is in stores, but still no updates for the PSP release, Digging further into this I found out that there is no PSP version anymore, I could of cried... but I was stopped, what by?
Well, by this;
'DICE has confirmed on its website our recent story that its working on Battlefield: Bad Company for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. In addition, the company also revealed that PSP and PC versions are in the works, with more details to be revealed at a later date.'
(Source: http://www.vggen.com/news/news.php?id=2039)
Shame that Modern Combat isn't coming to the PSP, but, Bad Company sounds better anyway ;), Destructible Environment to create strategic attacks on enemies, hopefully the Enemy AI will be great, lets just see what we get.
Anyway onto the gaming,
This weeks games will be;
Metroid Prime: Hunters (Nintendo DS)
Killzone: Liberation (Sony PSP)
Metroid Prime: Hunters
Screenshots (0)
I was one of the few to get the Metroid Prime: Hunters First Hunt demo along with my Nintendo DS back on launch day (March 11th 2005) and after playing and beating all the top scores on the Single-Player Mode, and being known as unbeatable on the Multi-Player Mode (I almost lost to Johnathan Phillips but we both drew) I began to get impatient on the release of the actual game. A few more months of waiting and a release date was announced, October, so I went to my local Game store and pre-ordered it, but much to my dismay, the release date was shifted (May) but this time I was too busy to take notice for I was preparing for a trip to Ottawa Canada.
On the Holiday in Canada I went to a Wal-Mart and was looking round and came across 'Metroid Prime Hunters £44's' I had $60's on me, So I picked it up and started playing it. The first thing I noticed was the shiny package, Look I'm easily distracted, finally I got over the shininess and slammed it into my NDS, upon turning it on popped up an introduction movie, introducing you to all the other Hunters, it is a very nice introduction, after that came the Title Menu, there were three options; Single Player, Multi-Player, Options.
I went straight into the Single Player mode, The first mission was fairly simple, but still fun, and at the end of each level is a boss as always, after that you are given a timer to get off that ship/planet/space station back to your ship where you will be given another ship/planet/space station to dock with and go through the level. Thankfully they didn't remove the scanner, that was my favorite tool in all the Metroid Prime games and to be able to use it on the NDS is just great fun.
After awhile you'll notice that you are fighting the same boss as before, just a different way, they do get harder but you can't help but feel cheated by the fact that you fought it before, but you soon forget about it once you get to a newer location.
The Multi-Player is great fun and this time you don't need friends to play it, which is great for me, now I don't need to bribe people, and there are multipul game modes, from, Capture the Node Basically Capture the Flag, to Survival, and you can play online using the Wi-Fi connection of the Nintendo DS, and a handy Wi-Fi hotspot or the USB Dongle, to play people in different countries, a great fun addition to the game certainly boosting its play length.
The game is a great addition to your DS collection and a must have for all DS Gamers, its very tricky in some places but non-the-less its fun and proves the DS isn't just a child's handheld.
Killzone: Liberation
Screenshots (10)
When I heard about this release for the PS2 way back in 2004, it took me a while to get excited but after seeing some videos and screen shots for it, I soon got excited. After getting it I loved it!, the game was amazing and great fun, my best score must be, 45 without dying and in under 15 minutes, now that was hard! and I've been trying to beat it since. When I heard about the release for Killzone on the PSP I started to think how call it would be on that game... When I heard it weren't a First-Person Shooter I wandered how it would be possible to play. Now I've played it, I love there decision. The game play is incredibly hard, Especially when you get the Rocket Launcher Helghasts.
I only got around to playing two levels but both were great fun. The first thing you notice in the game is the amount of padlocks on the weapons, meaning you have to unlock them, I am, unsure how you go about this but I did read somewhere that you have to collect Briefcases with Vektan Dollars in them and complete certain levels, but don't think that your restricted to just that weapon in the whole mission. Dotted around on the map are boxes which if you walk up to and press 'x' you can take the contents and exchange your weapon with one on the box. There are also a few new weapons including a Crossbow With explosive shots =) and a Revolver =D.
This time you can control vehicles, so far I only know of the tank I am unsure about any other vehicle, but that doesn't matter... its a tank.
The story sees you playing as Templar again and it continues on from the first Killzone Title, but this time with a new Enemy leader, Who looks KICK ASS!!! check out the screenshots, so far I lackfriends the ability to play the multi-player feature which I really wanted to test out, but I'll save that for another review, maybe one based purely on Killzone: Liberation.
All in all this game is easily the best title for the PSP, and for a score it reaches
9.5/10 The missions can get fairly hard, but thats the only complaint I have on it.
Now then next week will be another two games, I promise I'll start on consoles as well as Handhelds but with this issue what I got planned I didn't have time to get out. Sorry.
Cya till then, Expect it next week.
Right, As I usually do, I was browsing through the pages of GameSpot and I came across this in the PSP section;

(Click to Enlarge)
Now, as I stated before I am a huge War Fan... Obviously I'm gonna get excited... then I read this;
'Today, though, Digital Illusions CE announced it is bringing one of the most successful shooter franchises of all time to Sony's portable platform. Battlefield 2: Modern Combat, the first console version of its wildly popular Battlefield series, will be released on the PSP in the first quarter of 2006. It will ship alongside the Xbox 360 version of the game, which will first arrive on the Xbox and PlayStation 2 in fall of 2005. The PC version of the game, simply called Battlefield 2, will ship in June.'
' Battlefield 2 - PC - June 2005
BF2 Modern Combat - PS2, Xbox - Fall 2005
Untitled FPS - PC - Fall 2005
BF2 Modern Combat - Xbox 360, PSP - Q1 2006
Untitled - PS2, Xbox, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 - 2006'
Now then the release date clearly states, the First quarter of 2006... Its November now, and the Xbox360 version is in stores, but still no updates for the PSP release, Digging further into this I found out that there is no PSP version anymore, I could of cried... but I was stopped, what by?
Well, by this;
'DICE has confirmed on its website our recent story that its working on Battlefield: Bad Company for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. In addition, the company also revealed that PSP and PC versions are in the works, with more details to be revealed at a later date.'
(Source: http://www.vggen.com/news/news.php?id=2039)
Shame that Modern Combat isn't coming to the PSP, but, Bad Company sounds better anyway ;), Destructible Environment to create strategic attacks on enemies, hopefully the Enemy AI will be great, lets just see what we get.
Anyway onto the gaming,
This weeks games will be;
Metroid Prime: Hunters (Nintendo DS)
Killzone: Liberation (Sony PSP)
Metroid Prime: Hunters
Screenshots (0)
I was one of the few to get the Metroid Prime: Hunters First Hunt demo along with my Nintendo DS back on launch day (March 11th 2005) and after playing and beating all the top scores on the Single-Player Mode, and being known as unbeatable on the Multi-Player Mode (I almost lost to Johnathan Phillips but we both drew) I began to get impatient on the release of the actual game. A few more months of waiting and a release date was announced, October, so I went to my local Game store and pre-ordered it, but much to my dismay, the release date was shifted (May) but this time I was too busy to take notice for I was preparing for a trip to Ottawa Canada.
On the Holiday in Canada I went to a Wal-Mart and was looking round and came across 'Metroid Prime Hunters £44's' I had $60's on me, So I picked it up and started playing it. The first thing I noticed was the shiny package, Look I'm easily distracted, finally I got over the shininess and slammed it into my NDS, upon turning it on popped up an introduction movie, introducing you to all the other Hunters, it is a very nice introduction, after that came the Title Menu, there were three options; Single Player, Multi-Player, Options.
I went straight into the Single Player mode, The first mission was fairly simple, but still fun, and at the end of each level is a boss as always, after that you are given a timer to get off that ship/planet/space station back to your ship where you will be given another ship/planet/space station to dock with and go through the level. Thankfully they didn't remove the scanner, that was my favorite tool in all the Metroid Prime games and to be able to use it on the NDS is just great fun.
After awhile you'll notice that you are fighting the same boss as before, just a different way, they do get harder but you can't help but feel cheated by the fact that you fought it before, but you soon forget about it once you get to a newer location.
The Multi-Player is great fun and this time you don't need friends to play it, which is great for me, now I don't need to bribe people, and there are multipul game modes, from, Capture the Node Basically Capture the Flag, to Survival, and you can play online using the Wi-Fi connection of the Nintendo DS, and a handy Wi-Fi hotspot or the USB Dongle, to play people in different countries, a great fun addition to the game certainly boosting its play length.
The game is a great addition to your DS collection and a must have for all DS Gamers, its very tricky in some places but non-the-less its fun and proves the DS isn't just a child's handheld.
Killzone: Liberation
Screenshots (10)
When I heard about this release for the PS2 way back in 2004, it took me a while to get excited but after seeing some videos and screen shots for it, I soon got excited. After getting it I loved it!, the game was amazing and great fun, my best score must be, 45 without dying and in under 15 minutes, now that was hard! and I've been trying to beat it since. When I heard about the release for Killzone on the PSP I started to think how call it would be on that game... When I heard it weren't a First-Person Shooter I wandered how it would be possible to play. Now I've played it, I love there decision. The game play is incredibly hard, Especially when you get the Rocket Launcher Helghasts.
I only got around to playing two levels but both were great fun. The first thing you notice in the game is the amount of padlocks on the weapons, meaning you have to unlock them, I am, unsure how you go about this but I did read somewhere that you have to collect Briefcases with Vektan Dollars in them and complete certain levels, but don't think that your restricted to just that weapon in the whole mission. Dotted around on the map are boxes which if you walk up to and press 'x' you can take the contents and exchange your weapon with one on the box. There are also a few new weapons including a Crossbow With explosive shots =) and a Revolver =D.
This time you can control vehicles, so far I only know of the tank I am unsure about any other vehicle, but that doesn't matter... its a tank.
The story sees you playing as Templar again and it continues on from the first Killzone Title, but this time with a new Enemy leader, Who looks KICK ASS!!! check out the screenshots, so far I lack
All in all this game is easily the best title for the PSP, and for a score it reaches
9.5/10 The missions can get fairly hard, but thats the only complaint I have on it.
Now then next week will be another two games, I promise I'll start on consoles as well as Handhelds but with this issue what I got planned I didn't have time to get out. Sorry.
Cya till then, Expect it next week.